Spanish teacher, Paige Hunter
Paige Hunter
Paige Hunter teaches Spanish 1 and World Cultures, which is a semester-long course.
Some of Hunter’s favorite activities are cooking, reading, going on walks with her dog and hiking.
During Hunter’s time in high school, she was on the swim team and also participated in National Honor Society, Key Club and the International Baccalaureate program at her school.
Some of Hunter’s favorite high school memories were swim practices.
“We were all kind of going through the same thing together, I made a lot of friends that way. So it was just a way to decompress at the end of the day and build camaraderie so I’ll always remember swim practices,” Hunter said.
Hunter graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University and student taught at Hayes.
“I’m just so excited to be at Hayes,” Hunter said. “I think I’m really looking forward to house games because when I student taught here, it was during COVID, so we didn’t have house games.”