Opinion: Let’s cancel ‘Cancel Culture’
Social media’s tendency to “cancel” anything it doesn’t like is a trend that needs to be cancelled itself.
October 5, 2022
Our generation is the first to mobilize online. But has our culture of “canceling” controversial individuals gone too far?
To understand how we need to change cancel culture, we must first understand how it started with the MeToo movement.
The MeToo movement, while not perfect, has led to hundreds of thousands of people across the world finally being able to have the courage to stand up against their abusers.
The ability to call someone out in a public space tended to lead to more accountability for victims to find justice.
However, it has since turned into something much more broad and nuanced than seeking justice.
Cancel culture can range from Charli D’amelio being canceled for refusing to eat a snail to Ellen Degenerous being canceled for mistreating her employees.
This has led to being canceled becoming more mainstream and less damaging.
By putting sex offenders of the MeToo movement (Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, etc.) next to the names of actresses who have conservative family members, we have done a major injustice in destroying a once powerful movement.
It’s possible to simply brush off literal sexual assault allegations, harrassment, sexism, racism, homophobia, with the assumption that twitter is just “losing its mind” and declarations that “the woke mob” needs to stop making assumptions.
Sadly, this has led to little justice being brought for the actual victims in the circumstances.
For example, David O. Russell, a prominent director in Hollywood, was charged with assaulting his transgender niece at the age of 12.
He is now set to release one of the biggest blockbuster hits with his movie “Amsterdam” later this year starring Margot Robbie, Taylor Swift, Christian Bale, and numerous other A List actors and actresses.
But instead of focusing on this, the internet must salivate on the newest problem of Kim Kardashian ripping Marilyn Monroe’s dress.
How can we solve this problem? The truth is we can’t.
The instant gratification received from social media is an addiction that is not easily solved. It is weaved into daily life and you cannot simply just stop engaging with the internet and entertainment all together.
We can however control what media we consume and where we put our time and energy. Take a step back and choose what you want to use your precious time consuming in entertainment and media. Stop supporting people with your attention and engagement.
You cannot solve the problem of Cancel Culture but you can choose how you act and respond to it. Cancel Culture is changing our world but you shouldn’t let it change your perception of others.