Hayes counselors meet with Houses to improve communication

Padraig Mumper, Staff Writer

The week of August 26th to August 30th, the Hayes counselors met with the Houses to give a presentation on topics ranging from graduation requirements to scheduling meetings.
The Hayes counselors have three domains for which they are responsible.
The counselors manage academic counseling. This encompasses tracking grades, helping design graduation plans, scheduling classes, tracking testing points, calculating credits, and providing transcripts.
The counselors provided the graduation requirements, in total 21 total credits, and 21 hours of community service must be completed.

Graduation Requirements

The counselors also conduct emotional counseling. This counseling requires no appointment in the case of an emergency and they are always available to help. They noted that by law they are mandated reporters. This means that they are legally required to report child abuse, self harm, harm towards other, and illegal activities.
The third domain is college and career counseling. This includes career exploration and planning. It also covers college credit plus.
There are five counselors. Mrs. Smith is the 9th grade counselor, Ms. Stevenson covers last names A-G, Mrs. Shonebarger covers H-O, Mr. Downy covers P-Z, and Mrs. Pollard covers college and career counseling.
If students need to sign up for the ACT or SAT, get report cards, schedules, transcripts, powerschool access, or sign up for a locker, they can go to Ms. Estes or Mrs. McFadden at the counseling office desk.
Other routes of communication were covered as well. In an emergency, go straight to the counseling office by the art hall, quick questions can be emailed, and appointments can be scheduled on the counseling website. If necessary, they can be called at the voicemails on the counseling department website. The counselors recommend reading the Hoofprints and College and Career Clippings newsletters.