In terms of Hayes High School, there are numerous excellent groups and opportunities to get involved with – to the point where it can be a little overwhelming. For a student looking to break into a group with both excellent opportunities and potential for growth, this article offers just a taste of a few options.
Tri-M is a music honors society that offers opportunities to invest more time in the arts as well as cords and medallions at graduation. Due to the group being an honors society, a GPA above 3.5 is a requirement to join. While it is especially beneficial for those considering music as a career, it remains a great option for everyone.
“I know not every Tri-M member is a future music major […] but it looks good on college applications of people who do want to go into music,” Vice President Quin Anderson said.
From the beginning of their high school music career, students accumulate points for various activities. Depending on the goal of the student–simple induction, cord, or medallion–the points vary slightly. They can be earned for meeting participation, concerts, performances, volunteering with the music programs at the elementary or middle schools, or participating in camps.
Current requirements for seniors are slightly different, with lower meeting requirements, meaning that it’s not too late to join. The requirements for induction and cords/medallions will change for the 2026 class and beyond. However, if students get involved with even one of the music programs at Hayes, they will be able to meet those requirements over the years.
Aside from the honors-focused system, there are also several volunteer opportunities directly provided by being in the group.
“I especially [love] Singing Valentines. It was a huge thing [pre-covid]…but we brought it back last year,” Anderson said.
While it may sound like a big commitment, Tri-M is always looking for new members who care about music and want to find more people with the same drive. Their next meeting is Nov. 21.
Key Club
For those looking for a less academic club to get involved with, Key Club is a volunteering and community service based organization that offers a chance to acquire the needed hours for graduation, as well as a place to help the Delaware community. The monthly meetings start off the earning of the required hours.
There is also an opportunity to break into leadership positions within the group.
“My title is president, and I share this role with my sister, Marsella, and then we have our vice-president, our secretary, and two representatives,” Maria Maes said.
Their past projects have included helping with Halloween events around town and working with other volunteer programs in the Delaware area.
“I enjoy getting to be with my friends and have fun while [being in the club],” Maes said.
Key Club is a good chance to get involved in the community, earn service hours, make friends and is open to all.
Mock Trial
Mock Trial is an after school group through the Ohio Center For Law-Related Education. Every year, the group of students is presented with a fictional trial to be argued. Students can choose to be either lawyers or witnesses based on the information they are presented with.
The group is open to all grades and attracts a variety of students.
“The people who usually tend to do it are ones who are interested in…pursuing a career or going to college to study law,” group adviser David Morgan said. “[There’s also] a lot of kids who are into theater.”
They hold weekly Monday meetings, which build up to district and potentially regional and state competitions. It can be a more intensive group due to the competitive nature, but, aside from offering friendships with like-minded people, it’s also a great chance to improve public speaking skills.
“[The students] have to speak in front of complete strangers,” Morgan said. “So I think it builds a lot of confidence.”
For a more analytical student interested in the judicial system in any way, this group is an excellent chance to learn and grow.
Overall, the choice is up to the student. While these, among many other organizations, are great chances to explore potential careers, get involved, and meet people, they also don’t set anything in stone. The best group for any student is the one that helps them grow and be happy – anything else comes second.