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Bob Evans
The Student News Organization for Rutherford B. Hayes High School

The Talisman

The Student News Organization for Rutherford B. Hayes High School

The Talisman

The Student News Organization for Rutherford B. Hayes High School

The Talisman

A class of students wear different pieces of pink clothes for pink out.

Halloween spirit week outfits

Piper Baxley, Photographer November 3, 2022

These are some of the outfits students wore for the halloween spirit week.

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Students work during Keith Butts's physical science class.  Students are required to wear masks at all times inside the building, except while at lunch.

Students weigh in on expectations for the new school year

Kamryn Drake, Staff Writer August 27, 2021

Armon Weaver Senior Changes you expect for this year: “I want no masks and at lunch, I hope we can sit with more friends.” Policy you want changed:  “Basically just with masks and stuff,...

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Infographic of Q&A between group A and group B students

Opinions on school from Group A vs. Group B

Brynn McGrail, Managing Editor October 9, 2020

Students who sit at the same desk for the same class and same period express different opinions about school based on the different Groups they are in. !function(e,i,n,s){var t="InfogramEmbeds",d=e.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];if(window[t]&&window[t].initialized)window[t].process&&window[t].process();else...

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The Student News Organization for Rutherford B. Hayes High School